Meet our Young Professional António!


Nowadays, Young Professionals are looking for opportunities abroad to improve their careers and see new places. António Perdigão is one of them; he moved from Portugal to Barcelona to pursue his Master’s degree and he currently works and lives in the Netherlands. We talked to António about his journey, experiences, and advice for others thinking about doing the same.

António is originally from Lisbon, Portugal, where he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics. After this, António pursued a Master’s in Finance at EADA Business School in Barcelona, Spain. His education gave him a strong base for his career in finance, providing him with both technical and soft skills. 

How do you find living in Amsterdam?

The city is very easy to adapt to, to be honest. It has a friendly atmosphere, and it feels like a small city in a big capital. You have access to everything you might need – food from all over the world, exhibitions, and all the services in the city center.

Was moving to the Netherlands always part of your plan?

It wasn’t my goal for a long time, but in the last few years, I started hearing more about people moving to the Netherlands. I heard about the good opportunities, work conditions, lifestyle, and balance, which made it a very appealing option for me.

Can you share some experiences or difficulties you faced with moving abroad and moving to the Netherlands?

To be honest, there haven’t been many difficulties so far. Perhaps some bureaucracy with the necessary documents for applications and keeping track of all the deadlines and paperwork. It’s more organized here compared to Spain, where things tend to be a bit more chaotic. 

How did you come across the opportunity with Young Financials? Can you walk us through the steps of the application process?

During my Master’s, I connected with Young Financials through LinkedIn. We had some calls regarding potential positions, but it didn’t work out initially. Later, when I resumed my job search, I reached out to Young Financials again to ask about any available positions. They presented me with a new opportunity. I had a call with Floor where she explained the position and helped me prepare for my interviews at ABN AMRO. Following several rounds of interviews, I was offered the position.

What has your experience been like transitioning to the Netherlands? Any exciting moments?

Finding a place in Amsterdam can be challenging. But eventually, I found a place through one of my colleagues at ABN AMRO. Moving to Amsterdam in late summer was great – I even went swimming in the Amstel a few times. The warm welcome made the transition easier.

Can you tell us about your current role at ABN AMRO and your primary responsibilities?

I work in the settlements team at ABN AMRO. My daily tasks include checking positions, solving discrepancies, and ensuring smooth trade processing. I act as an intermediary between clients and banks. It’s a role that requires both technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, which keeps things interesting.

How did you experience your Master’s in Finance at EADA Business School, and how did it prepare you for your current job?

Barcelona is a fantastic place to study, offering excellent education, high rankings, and great networking opportunities. The best part is the people—students are dedicated to learning and working hard, but also enjoy life, go to the beach, have drinks, and participate in activities.

In my job interview, I was asked about financial markets and products. While I don’t use all the technical knowledge from my Master’s in my current position, understanding market functions and roles has been very beneficial.

Did you always see yourself working in the financial sector?

Not always. I decided to study Business Administration because I liked analyzing. During my studies, I found accounting and finance exciting, which led me to pursue a Master’s in Finance. It turned out to be a good decision, as I discovered a real passion for financial markets and investments.

For other Young Professionals considering a similar path, what advice would you offer?

Explore the opportunities broadly – there are many exciting companies in the Netherlands, from big banks to start-ups. Network actively and reach out to people on LinkedIn or through your school. Be proactive and curious in your job search. Also, don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions during interviews to ensure the role is a good fit for you.

Interested in becoming a Young Professional like António? Check out Young Financials’ Finance Jobs and Finance Traineeship. Or do you still need to decide what suits you best? Apply open and we will find your perfect position!

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