International auditor

As an International Auditor, you will work for one of the Big Four audit firms, like KPMG and Deloitte, and top employees like ABN AMRO and Rabobank. With a “rapid growth track”, you will be working as a Senior, Supervisor, or Assistant Manager and moving up the corporate ladder. Young Financials provides employment possibilities across a variety of industry sectors, including financial services (banking, insurance, and investment management) (Technology – Telecom – Media – Entertainment – Industry – Retail). Apply now or take a look at our vacancies page

Vacancies International auditor

International Auditor

The work of an International auditor

You will be involved in intriguing projects and assignments as an international auditor. At well-known clients of the firm, you will collaborate in expert teams from around the world. You will get the chance to work with and pick the brains of highly qualified colleagues. You’ll work in a variety of settings, including the office, clients’ offices, and your home office. Additionally, there will be a chance for you to mix audit and advisory jobs.

What will I earn as an International Auditor?

As an International Auditor the Max Gross Salary will be approximately between 43.5K and 70K.

International Auditor
International Auditor

Get started as an International auditor with our Finance Traineeship

Are you interested in a position as International Auditor, but not yet sure which direction you want to go and what career opportunities are available? Would you also like the opportunity to work and learn at the same time? Then take a look at our Finance Traineeship. There are many possibilities, you can follow our Finance Traineeship to be trained as an International Auditor, but we also have other directions such as Junior Investment Professional, Junior Finance Professional or Junior Business Analyst.

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